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Red Mulberry Common Pawpaw Chickasaw Plum
Red Mulberry (Morus rubra). A species of mulberry that reaches a height of up to 60 feet. It produces red/black edible fruit favored by a variety of game birds and wildlife. Moist soils Zones: 5-10. Common Pawpaw (Asimina triloba). Its rich, sweet, custard-like fruit has a delicious nutty banana flavor. A good food source for many species of wildlife. Is insect and disease resistant. Moist, rich, well-drained soils Zones: 3-9. Chickasaw Plum (Prunus angustifolia). A thicket-forming small tree that provides great nesting cover for quail and turkeys as well as countless other wildlife. Deer and turkey relish its sweet red fruit in late summer. Prefers variety of moist soils as well as sandy upland sites. Zones: 5-9.
Georgia Red Plum Common Persimmon Docs Special Pear TM
Georgia Red Plum . This tree produces a heavy crop of 1 1/2" - 2" sweet deep red plums. It is heat tolerant and disease resistant. Excellent taste Moist,well drained soils. ZONES: 5-9. Common Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana). A medium-sized tree that produces a sweet orange fruit that last into winter, a true favorite of deer. Most alluvial soils and sandy upland sites. Zones: 5-9. Docs Special Pear . A vigorous, heavy producing grafted variety that is a heavy producer.  Small round pear. Good blight resistance on tree.  Fruit begins dropping in late October through November. Moist, well-drained soils. SELF-FERTILE Zones: 5-9. Ripens: October through November
GioVan Pear TM Trophy Pear TM Arkansas Black Apple
GioVan Pear . A vigorous, heavy producing grafted variety.  Heavy fruit production as tree matures.  Small round pear.  Good blight resistance on tree. Fruit begins dropping mid November through December.  Moist, well-drained soils. SELF-FERTILE Zones: 5-9. Ripens: November through December Trophy Pear . A vigorous, heavy producing grafted variety which provides the heaviest production of our pear varieties.  The Trophy Pear tree frequently will need to be thinned of fruit to minimize limb breakage.  Medium to large bell shaped pear.  Medium blight resistance on tree. Young trees produce heavy crops.  Fruit begins dropping in early October.  Moist, well-drained soils. SELF-FERTILE Zones: 5-9. Ripens: October through November Arkansas Black Apple . A great species for mast production and a favorite among deer managers. The fruit hangs well on the tree and keeps on the ground into the winter months. Fruit production should begin within two years of planting. Sandy loam to clay loam soil. NEEDS A POLLINATOR. Zones: 5-9.
Common Apple Winesap Apple Dolgo Crabapple
Common Apple (Malus pumila). An excellent wildlife tree that grows up to 30 feet. The fruit is eaten by a variety of wildlife. Prefers full sunlight and moist soils. Moist soils. Zones: 3-9. Winesap Apple. An old variety of Winter Apple and a deer hunter favorite. A heavy late-season mast production, as well as excellent keeping qualities make it a perfect fall and winter food source choice. Well-drained moist soil. NEEDS A POLLINATOR. Zones: 5-8. Dolgo Crabapple . A vigorous, heavy producing variety favored by deer hunters. It produces crabapples that are about 1 1/2" wide. Reaches a height of 30'. It will be producing within two years of planting. Great pollinator of other apple trees. Drops fruit starting late summer early fall. Tolerates most moist soils. SELF-FERTILE. Zones: 3-10.
Ruby Red Crabapple Southern Crabapple LoCountry TM
Ruby Red Crabapple . A heavy producing, hardy crabapple with red fruit and red foliage.  Most vigorous grower available and pollinates other apples and crabapples. Tolerates most moist soils. SELF-FERTILE. Zones: 4-9. Southern Crabapple (Malus angustifolia). A shrubby tree that produces small sweet red and yellow apples that deer cannot resist. It also offers excellent brood habitat for quail and turkey. Needs full sunlight. Prefers wide variety of moist soil as well as sandy uplands. Zones: 4-9. LO COUNTRY Pear . A vigorous early  producing grafted variety that has consistently heavy fruit production. Large bell shaped pear. Good blight resistance on tree. Fruit drops in August. Moist, well-drained soils. SELF-FERTILE Zones: 5-9. Ripens:August
Limbertwig Apple Whitney Crabapple Stoney Hill Pear TM
Medium Sized apple that is very resistant to disease.  It produces heavy crops, ripening in October to November.  Good keeping quality.  Well drained moist soils. Self Fertile. Zones: 5-8. Red, golf ball sized fruit.  Cold handy and heat tolerant.  Ripens in August to early September.  Self pollinating.  Juicy, Sweet and good for home use also. Tolerates most soils.  Zones: 3-10. A Vigorous heavy producing grafted variety.  Heavy fruit production.  Medium to large bell shaped pear.  Good blight resistance on tree.  Fruit begins dropping in the middle of October. Moist, well-drained soils, SELF-FERTILE. Zones: 5-9. RIPENS: October through November.
Abell Apple American Plum Gold Rush Apple
This selection comes from an old "heirloom" tree that is 75 to 100 years old. Fruit production is heavy. The fruit are a small, red striped apple that is sweet. Fruit are similar to Yates. The tree produced consistent, heavy crops over the last 10 or more years we've observed it. The fruit ripens and falls in October. The tree appears to have good disease resistance. This would be an excellent addition to your apple orchard for the deer. Moist, well-drained soils. Zones 5-8. Small tree produces abundance of 1" fruit in summer. Needs sunshine and well-drained soil. Will make thicket cover for wildlife. Prefers variety of moist soils as well as sandy upland sites. Zones 5-9. Yellow, delicious type apple - Moderate resistance to Fire Blight & good resistance to Mildew. Ripens late October 20-30th. Good quality fruit - good cedar apple rust resistance. Good choice for late season deer.

HABITAT: Well-drained moist soil.


ZONES: 5-8
Liberty Apple Gooding Crabapple Lotus Persimmon
Red apple that ripens in September. Good resistance to Scab, Mildew, Cedar Apple Rust & Fire Blight - needs pollinator. Medium size - vigorous grower and best disease resistance of any apple - very productive with Macintosh flavor.

HABITAT: Well-drained moist soil.


ZONES: 5-8
This Crabapple is one of the best we've observed. The fruit is 1 1/2 in size, green in color and falls from September to January - trickling off fruit during the hunting season. This is one of the most vigorous growing crabapple trees we've observed. Fruit production is heavy and early - we had fruit on 2 year old trees. This tree is in the "sweet crab" type. The tree is susceptible to yellow spots on the leaves though they have no effect on the overall health or growth of the tree. This problem is related moisture and air circulation which should be no problem when trees are planted at normal spacing. The Gooding Crabapple will be a great additional to your wildlife orchard. This is a new persimmon that produces an unbelievable amount of fruit. These persimmons hang in clusters like grapes. They are 3/4 - 1" diameter which ripen and drop December to January. Trees are more vigorous than American persimmon and grow fast. Plant in zone 7-9, same as Japanese Persimmon as far as cold tolerance. This are grafted female trees.
Grafted Common Persimmon
These are grafted female trees selected from a heavy producing tree on our farm. Fruit ripen in an October to November time frame. One of the very best deer attractants. All trees will bear fruit since they are grafted female trees.